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February- Happy Valentine's & Love Month!

Can you believe the first month of 2023 is already over? I pray everyone is off to a good start and healthy. Enjoy Valentine's and may the month be full of love!

Preparation is underway for our upcoming virtual "Celebration" event next month. This is our ONLY annual fundraiser that directly supports our families. We are still in need of 2023 business annual sponsors. This is how we receive our greatest amount of funding to help support our programs. Please share this with others!

Remember our ministry in prayer, the families we serve and the medical teams that care for children with life threatening illnesses. We are truly humbled and blessed to be on this journey of faith. If you would like me to add your name to the prayer list, please email me at: and I will update the prayer list regularly. You can also email me with any specific prayer requests that you want me to pray about privately. God is love. Treat everyone with love and kindness.

Hera Lainey has legally changed her to name to Thomasin Grace. She is a music singing artist and a dear friend who created a single "Some People Never", written and sung by her in memory of Bella. It is available for purchase on itunes and various music sites. 100% of the proceeds from this song will go towards our ministry! Her website is still: Thank you so much for this beautiful and heartwarming tribute and to everyone for your support!

Also Areshi, Thomasin's husband, released a song "After You" and the link is: Areshi's website is:

If you shop on Amazon, our former link is extinct- Amazon no longer offers a portion of purchases to nonprofits and has sadly discontinued their smile program.

If you donate to UNITED WAY through your paycheck, you can have our ministry as the recipient. Just write/type in Bella Muntean- Angel Heart of Hope Ministry. Thank you so much for your support! It all makes a difference! If you have chosen our ministry as a recipient of United Way, please feel free to let me know because we would like to thank you since United Way is unable to release donor information.

Also, if you make any donations on our FACEBOOK page please let us know because they also don't release donor information. It is best to go directly to our website to make a donation so we can acknowledge you:) We thank everyone for your support!

Please pray for continual peace, comfort and strength for the families- Muntean, Mellott, Donelli, Rightenour, Witt, Forcier, Lurtey, Gleason, Gosnell, Kocis-Brown, Heos, Coffman,Gibble-Wavle, Hickman, Daniel, Irish, Edwards families, Murphy & Broome Families, Ginny's family, Travis Miller's family,Mildred, Kim Green, Dixie Neff and family, Donna Turner, Murray family, Strasser family, Turner family, Wargo, Lupas, Foster, Greene, Perry, Cummings, Wrobel, Kim Stepp, Marrow, Geer, Wiggins, Jones, Johnson, Scarborough/Biggerstaff, Smith, Dixon, Jones, Fickell, Manwaring, Kojah, Franzen, Glen, Ginger Wray's family, Regina Boyter's family, Amphan family, Misty Johnson's family, Cotos family plus all of the families who are forever hurting because of losing a child or loved one.

Also, please pray for complete healing and needs for our dear friends: Samantha Stacy,Steve Pollard, Molly Gritt, Pam Melton,Julie and Hayden Pare,Bonnie Vaughan, Dorin, Linda Creel, Suzanne Greene, Doris Howell,Sally Hooch,Sam & Elaine Brown,Christian Rhett,Jarus Amphan, Katie,Chumpon Tantawanichpisal,Tricia, Louisa, Judy,Pam,Gary,Florence,Hailey, Isaiah,Sidney,Jeff, Jordan, Kelli Myers, Abbi and McKinley, Marian,John, Christopher, little Kylie &Char, Carrie, Licita Rogers and sister Tomeka Hall, Gerry DiStefano, Deborah DiStefano-remission from cancer, Jennifer Woolman, Paulette, Julie, Larry Spivey, Sue, Wanda,Fanny and Flavio, John & Annette Hunter,Walter and Holly Kondracki(healing so she can have necessary surgery soon),Kristen and Steve, Dendall Wood, Eric-to be seizure free, Brian, Casey O'Brien-Minnesota Gopher battling osteosarcoma cancer, Trina, Lauren Keraga, Anabel, Sandy, Laura, Liliana Maysonet- complete healing from cancer,Laurenda,Cindy,Michael,Bobbie, Jesse, Roger, Kelly Arnold, Noah, Stanley, London, Paula Blair, Jordan, Ken Isaacson,Lisa Bryson, John, Sharon Ditto, Larry,Lisa,Melinda, Karla, Priscilla, Nancy Watson and Darrell,Linda,Sandra,Dawn,Nathalie, Melanie, Tess,Cameron, Kim Stepp, Will (remain cancer free forevermore), Janice,Ella,Hannah, Alyssa, Brady, Bonnie, Stephanie, Jillian Woodring-leukemia, Whitney Williams-8 yr old with afibrinogenemia, Michaela & Tyler Shelley,Sarah, Jada-6 yr old in remission from cancer, Lawson (14 yr old recently diagnosed with cancer),Avery Magliorisi (for proper treatment and complete healing of her eating disorder and for the family), Brigitte, Collene, Gabby, Silvia, Ingrid, Missy, Demere and Laura, Ralphaelo, Doug, Paul, David, Susan, Janice Hammond, Selah Henderson-child in remission from cancer, Addie Freeman-child in remission from cancer and Amari Kalu-child in remission from cancer,Lucca,Jameson, Diego, Tristan, Miss Peyton-cancer, Master Peyton-cancer, Elizabeth, Caillyn(remain cancer free forevermore), Ally, 5 yr old Carter, Valentina-child cancer, Hazel, Isaiah, Evie-child with cancer,Abbie Barnette-in remission from cancer, Maddie Barnett-in remission from cancer, Sylvia, Terry, Kostas Halkias, Kim,James Green, Gunner, Kayla Graham, Lucas, Frank Tocci, Keane, J.C. Schow, Cailin, Stanley,Christopher, Doug, Joyce Galloway, Tammy Daniels , Anna-IBS, Ritsuko, Carla, David Freed-remission from cancer, Jaceon-child with sickle cell anemia, 6 yr old David William Krieger-Robinson complete healing from cancer-A.L.L. Leukemia, David-15 yr old with cancer, Jeanette, Rosalie, Ollie, Skylar Legano-teen with osteosarcoma (bone cancer), Raluca Christina, Kim, Simona Buliga, Alonzo, Ben Armstrong,Mary Catherine, Chris who has a brain tumor to be completely healed, Bob, April, Scott, Chad, Mick, Angela, Charite, Jammie-healing from ovarian cancer, Obadiah Hall, Sue, Ariel Griffith. Alyssa Jones, Jarrod Holt, Nyleek, Anahi, Levi, Keandre, Kieli, Kenzie, Violet, Jayden, baby Lindsey, Chloe Bella, Allyson Pack-Adair,, Valerie, Judy, Kristy, Tyler, Lila, Joe Kane, John Hampton, Vivian Laws, Faith, Nancy, Cosmin Florian, Mikel Lee, Dave Sherman , Laylah, Dakota, Jaicee, Taryn, Kelly Malena, Betty, Addidlyn Holmes,Mark Gomol, Don Smith, Dee Hook, Mark MacGregor, Hunter, Brandon, Izzy Dugle, Tommy and Wanda Norris, Jim, Donna, Caroline Kirk, Dorothy, Connie, Walker, Richard, Saroja Sunkari, Ashley McCoy, Anika Karp, Ramsey Gaines and the Gaines family, Travis B, Alvin Mwenda, Tish Cleveland, Anthony, Deanna, Gracie & family, Logan, Lettie, Kathy and GC Strauss (strength and healing), Tripp, Tudor, Grant, Mia, Noah Tyree, Amanda, Ezekiel, Erika and Hezekiah Spann's family, Isaiah Johnson, Leonard, David Williams plus all of the families along with wisdom, good health and guidance for the doctors and staff who care for them:) Please don't stop praying! We need and believe in prayer!!!! Prayer is sooo powerful!!!

The message this month is: "Giving With A Joyful Heart." A multibillionaire and successful businessman spent the last few decades of his life doing all he could to give away his fortune and help others. He gave to a variety of causes with a joyful heart before he died including, $350 million dollars to turn New York City's Roosevelt Island into a technology hub. He strongly believed in giving while living and that it was a lot more fun than to have your assets divided when you are dead.

In John's recollection of the man born blind, Jesus' disciples were trying to determine "who sinned". Jesus told them, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned...but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me."

However, our work is very different from Jesus' miracles but no matter how we give of ourselves, we are to do so with a joyful heart. Our time, resources and actions are displayed in the works that God's love might be displayed through us. For God so loved the world, that He gave. Let's honor God by giving with a joyful heart.

Scripture verse: John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Wishing you all many blessings!

In Peace and Love,


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