It is time to celebrate the 4th of July and our independence as a nation blessed with diversity and many freedoms, including religion. Thank you to our soldiers, past and present, who defend this country and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. After the holiday festivities, it seems like the summer days fly by with another school year fast approaching and a new season of change.
There are infinite prayer needs and our strength comes from God. Keep your focus on Him and pray! If you would like me to add your name to the prayer list, please email me at: and I will update the prayer list regularly. You can also email me with any specific prayer requests that you want me to pray about privately. God is love. Treat everyone with love and kindness.
Hera Lainey, a music singing artist and dear friend created a single "Some People Never", written and sung by her in memory of Bella. It is available for purchase on itunes and various music sites. 100% of the proceeds from this song will go towards our ministry! Her website is Thank you so much Hera for this beautiful and heartwarming tribute and everyone for your support!
Also Areshi, Hera's husband, released a song "After You" and the link is: His website is
If you shop on Amazon, you can use for the same price but a portion of every purchase will go back to our non-profit. You will find our non-profit listed on there. Thank you for doing something so simple that provides a great impact! Here is our link:
If you donate to UNITED WAY through your paycheck, you can have our ministry as the recipient. Just write/type in Bella Muntean- Angel Heart of Hope Ministry. Thank you so much for your support! It all makes a difference! If you have chosen our ministry as a recipient of United Way, please feel free to let me know because we would like to thank you since United Way is unable to release donor information. Plus, if you make any donations on our Facebook page please let us know because they also don't release donor information. It is best to go directly to our website to make a donation so we can acknowledge you:)
Please pray for continual peace, comfort and strength for the families- Muntean, Mellott, Donelli, Rightenour, Witt, Forcier, Lurtey, Gleason, Gosnell, Kocis-Brown, Heos, Coffman,Gibble-Wavle, Hickman, Daniel, Irish, Edwards families, Murphy & Broome Families, Ginny's family, Travis Miller's family,Mildred, Kim Green, Dixie Neff and family, Donna Turner, Murray family, Strasser family, Turner family, Wargo, Lupas, Foster, Greene, Perry, Cummings, Wrobel, Kim Stepp, Marrow, Geer, Wiggins, Jones, Johnson, Scarborough/Biggerstaff, Smith, Dixon, Jones, Fickell, Manwaring, Kojah, plus all of the families who are forever hurting because of losing a child or loved one.
The Bible message is "The Greatest Freedom." Every 4th of July, Americans celebrate their freedom as an independent nation with parades, fireworks, BBQ's and remembrance of our history.
In 1776, the 13 British colonies in North America protested against the King of England by protesting against his limitations upon them. The American Revolution was the catalyst that led to Congress adopting the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, and the birth of America as an independent nation.
Over 2,000 years ago, the Lord Jesus cried out on the cross, "It is finished," proclaiming the believer's "declaration of independence." All of humanity is under the tyranny of sin and death. But Christ, the sinless One, took our place on the cross to die for all of our sins. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice out of His unconditional love for us. He now sets us free for all of eternity for those who trust in Him.
The apostle Paul wrote, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us". Romans 8 gives us this blessed assurance, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.....For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death". We are to "stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free." (Galations 5:1) Our greatest freedom is freedom from sin.
As we pledge allegiance to the American flag and our many freedoms, may we remember as a nation that our strength is in unity not division, in love not hatred. Most importantly, believers all over the world can praise God for the eternal freedom that is found in Christ alone!
Scripture verse: Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free.
Wishing you all many blessings!
In Peace and Love,